About us

Freelancing is the latest craze in employment. We provide the best freelance writing jobs in the industry. These jobs allow you to work at your own pleasure and still earn a lucrative salary. The qualifications are easy to meet because there are diverse areas you can write on.

Freelancing allows you to work from the comfort of your house. You do not have to struggle with traffic, annoying bosses, workers or an environment where you are not comfortable. In case you have other commitments like family or friends, you can pause the work and return to it later. This will not affect your earnings because you control your schedule.

Freelance writing jobs do not confine you to the 8-5 working schedule. You are free to work at night or during weekends to supplement your income. This removes the ceiling on how much you can earn. There are no interviews or catfights for promotions since you are your own boss.

Julia Neil

The Founder

A freelance writer specializing in technical fields.

Mike Collins

Creative manager

Writer and editor working as a freelancer.

Lisa Brown


Our designer and generator of fresh ideas.